

How does attraction and repulsion occur in magnet?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How does attraction and repulsion occur in magnet?
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The force that causes either attraction or repulsion by a magnet

What is the force of repulsion or attraction between the poles of a magnet?


What is the field around a magnet?

A magnetic field. where attraction and repulsion takes place around the magnet.

A magnet is what type of force?

The force of attraction or repulsion between two magnetic materials.

When does attraction of repulsion occur when unlike material brought nearer to each other?

attraction and repulsion depends on the charges of the materials you are using if two objects have the same charge then repulsion is going to occur but if two objects have opposite charge attraction will occur. the charge of the material is depended in how many protons (+) and electrons (-) and object has for example if your robe a plastic stick on the fur the fur would be positive and the plastic stick will be negative.

What ia a magnet?

Magnets are materials that can exert a force of attraction or repulsion on certain objects.Magnets can be strong or weak, depending on their internal arrangements.

What is forces two objects exert on each other is called an?

Electrostatic attraction or repulsion, magnetic attraction or repulsion, gravitational attraction.

What is the basic rule followed with regards to attraction and repulsion of poles of magnet?

Opposite poles attract, like poles repel. (same with electric charge)


The force of attraction or repulsion due to static changes

What is the area around the magnet where the attraction or repulsion can be felt is the magnet's?

You're talking about the 'magnetic field', but you're not giving it enough credit.It doesn't only exist in the space around the magnet, but it technically extendsout to infinity, whether or not you can feel it past a couple of feet.

What is the attraction or repulsion of magnetic materials?


What is A force of attraction between two even if they are not touching?

It could be electromagnetic attraction (or repulsion).