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Density plays a key role in convergent boundaries. When two plates collide at a convergent plate boundary, it is the denser plate that will subduct.

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Q: How does density affect how plates interact?
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Where do tectonic plates interact?

Interactions between tectonic plates occur at plate boundaries.

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a fault is what it is called.

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I don, t no

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3 ways in which earths plates interact?

By pushing, pulling, and by sliding.

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volume does affect the density because the formula of density= mass/ volume

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The earth's plates interact: 1. that's how you make mountian's 2. thet's how you get ocean trenches 3. that's what causes earthquakes

Countries located near or on the tectonic plates?

All countries are located on tectonic plates - in fact the world is entirely covered with tectonic plates! Where different plates interact with each other the results can affect the countries locally. Where plates push together you can get volcanoes and earthquakes (an example is Japan.) Where plates pull apart there is usually lots of ocean but you can get some calm volcanism, (an example being Iceland.) Where plates rub past one another there can be earthquakes. An example would be the west coast of the USA and the San Andreas Fault.)