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Hemp is a naturally grown plant with the power to be a more eco-friendly alternative to many things we use in today's world, including clothing, paper, rope, and even food! It is better for the environment, especially on the paper side, hemp grows every season (which is a lot quicker than trees!), it also produces more oxygen than trees do.

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Q: How does hemp help your environment?
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What is the plural form of hemp?

The plural form of hemp is hemp.

What hemp oil?

Hemp oil is a type of oil that is derived from the seeds of the hemp plant. It is also commonly known as hemp seed oil and has been used for various purposes, such as cooking and skincare, for centuries. One of the primary benefits of hemp oil is its high concentration of essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6. These fatty acids are essential for maintaining good health, as they play a critical role in brain function, skin health, and immune system function. Hemp oil is also rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the body against damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, it has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help alleviate symptoms of certain conditions, such as arthritis. Overall, hemp oil is a versatile and beneficial product that can be used for a variety of purposes. If you are interested in trying hemp oil for yourself, consider checking out The Trost's hemp seed oil, which is a high-quality and organic option.

Where does hemp fabric come from?

Hemp fabric is made from fibers from the hemp plant. Hemp is a high growing variety of the Cannabis plant.

How does erosion help the environment?

erosion can never help the environment indeed it affects environment

Why can you wear a shirt made out of hemp but not possess hemp in SC?

It all depends on the type of hemp.

How does hemp help the environment?

The answer for that question is YES it can help the environment, it can also save our planet. Why ? you ask. Because this plant has enormous implications for today's industrialized world , reaching to every branch of modern technologies, so it can be the thing that replace synthetic celluloze products that were and still are polluting the world. It also binds CO2 from atmosphere to grow, giving a future empty of machines with forests, clean of waste and pollution.

How does geothermic help the environment?

It is clean so it help our environment.

How do squirrels help environment?

squirrels help the environment by germination

Where does hemp grow?

Hemp grows in africa alberta

Does hemp have the same appearance as marihuana?

Hemp is weed

What is the difference between hemp which is called jute and hemp which is called sleek?

Hemp isn't jute... Hemp is from a different plant. It has longer fibres and is softer. So jute is used for stronger fabrics for furnishings, and hemp is used for clothing.

Is Malibu hemp moisturizing body lotion okay to use in a tanning bed?

It will not help you tan, but it will moisturize your body from what I hear will help you lock in your tan.