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Normally, it doesn't. But what does happen in these cases is sometimes there are debts that are disputed as to who is responsible to pay them and as a result neither party pays. If it is a joint account, both credit histories will be negatively affected. If you are not sure get a copy of your credit report before the divorce agreement is drawn up. It will show who is the party responsible or whether the account is in both names.

Be certain to get this straightened out before you sign the final divorce papers. Itemize the accounts and the owner of each. Remove the second name from any and all accounts. Then you might have somewhat of a chance of getting the other person's account off of your credit report. If possible, close all existing joint accounts and open your own.

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I think, you can have a relationship with legal separation in Georgia.You just need to seek the help of divorce lawyers.

Saperation of which type?

In the context of a marriage, there are three different kinds of separation which are trial, permanent, and legal. A legal separation is different than a divorce.

In Canada how long after legal separation are you officially divorced?

I am not sure in Canada, but in the States separation is different from divorce. They are two separate sets of legal paperwork. I would I assume it is the same in Canada. If you haven't filed divorce papers you won't have a divorce.

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A divorce is a finalized paper stating that a marriage is officially over. A legal separation is an agreement between partners to not live together but not officially to end the marriage.

Can you still divorce if you lived together during your legal separation in NY?

Yes, you can still divorce if you lived together during your legal separation in New York. In the state of New York, there is no requirement to live apart during the separation period in order to file for divorce. As long as you meet the other requirements for divorce, such as establishing fault grounds or having a separation agreement, you can proceed with the divorce process.

How soon can you file for divorce after a legal separation?

No, generally both parties will need to request the dissolution of marriage petition be withdrawn or dismissed, and then need to file a petition of separation. Not every state will grant a legal separation decree, nor dismiss a divorce petition depending upon the circumstances.

Is there a time period of separation before a divorce can be filed in Australia?

12 months after a "legal seperation", a divorce can be proceeded with.