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The Spanish phrase "de los suenos" translates to "of dreams" in English. For further reference, Google has a translation service which is capable of instantly and reliably translating text from a vast array of languages.

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Q: How does one or translate the phrase de los suenos from Spanish to English?
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Related questions

How would one be able to translate significado de los suenos into English without the use of the internet?

Significado de los suenos translates in to english as Meaning of Dreams. You can translate it without using the internet by buying a Spanish to English dictionary.

What does the phrase 'interpretacion de suenos' mean when translated into English?

Interpretacion de suenos translates from Spanish to English to mean interpretation of dreams. This phrase would be commonly used by people trying to help you understand what your dreams mean.

What does tengo marabous suenos mean in spanish?

Translation: I have marabous dreams. Marabous doesn't translate.

What is the spanish word for dreams?


What does the spanish word suenos mean?


What is follow your dreams meaning in Spanish?

Spanish translation for "follow your dreams" is sigue tus suenos ("N" in suenos has an accent)

What does espero que tu suenos con los angelitos mean in english?

It means, "I hope that you [---------] with the little angels." The meaning of the word 'suenos' is omitted in the translation because 'suenos' doesn't mean anything in Spanish. 'Sueñes,' however, does mean something in Spanish, and if it's put in the target sentence, it would then mean, '"I hope that you dream with the little angels."

How do you say sweat dreams in spanish?

dulce suenos

What does the phrase 'nunca dejes de sonar porque quizas algun dia tus suenos se hagan realidad' mean in English?

That's Spanish. It means: 'Never stop dreaming because one day they might become true.'

How would you say 'dreams' in Spanish?

Suenos. (tilde on n)

What does suenos de espana mean in English?

Dreams of Spain.

What does 'el cuarto de los suenos' mean in Spanish?

This means Bedroom.