

How does people see colors with there eyes?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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everything emits light that we see around us in everyday life. The amount of light it emits determines what 'colour' it appears to be to our eyes. Which is why in pitch black we dont see any visable light is being reflected off surfaces.

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Q: How does people see colors with there eyes?
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With your eyes unless you are colorblind. The cone cells enable you to see colors.

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Summing it up, scientists ARE starting to believe that dogs are colorblind after all. They cannot see as many colors as people due to the lower amount of cone cells located in their eyes.

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I don't recall exactly, but I believe they see the same colors most people do, except much more vividly. That is, we have "cones" in our eyes that see Red Green and Blue, and while they don't have other colored cones, Tetrachromats' have EXTRAcones.

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because its justt the way our eyes see things. -jh'(:

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