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Either from fluid build up or if pneumonia is bacterial in origin, your body tries to fight it off forming mucus. If the mucus builds up and isn't cleared out of your system, it begins to stick to the walls and lining of your lungs. This can cause "atelectasis" which is the collapsing of part of your's all down hill from there..... :(

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Q: How does pneumonia affect the lungs?
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How pnemonia affects the lungs?

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How does pneumonia affect the respiratory system?

Pneumonia can reduce the ability of the lungs to allow oxygen diffusion across the alveoli if accumulations of pus (exudate) or fluids block significant portions of the lungs.

Where can pneumonia be found?

pneumonia is found in your lungs but can be in other places and its a server illness!!

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What do lungs look like with pneumonia?

pneumonia is not made up of cells. pneumonia is fluid buildup in the lungs.

Does pneumonia kill fish?

Pneumonia is a disease of the lungs. Fish have gills and do not have lungs. Ergo! Fish can not suffer from pneumonia, so pneumonia can not kill fish.

Is pneumonia a chronic bacteria of the lungs?

Pneumonia is the chronic, infection of the lungs with high fever

What disease is a possible complication of measles and what part of the body does it affect?

Encephalitis and pneumonia are possible complications of measles. Encephalitis affects the brain causing inflammation, and pneumonia which affects the lungs.

Where is pneumonia found In the body Besides the lungs?

its is found in the lungs

Is it ok to go outside if you have pneumonia?

No. This may affect your body if you have Pneumonia. You can catch other deceases and sicknesses that includes a cold comeback. The cold may affect the phlegm in the lungs. So it's important to stay indoors and keep healthy and safe.

What Organ Is Affected By Pneumonia?

The LUNGS. Pneumonia is an infection of the lung, and can be caused by nearly any class of organism known to cause human infections. These include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.

Sickness you get when it settles in your lungs?
