

Best Answer
  • Racism breeds hatred. When one looks at the different cultures and especially the Blacks because they have been in the U.S. longer it seems so ridiculous to have a problem with each other. In Canada (although we do have a few unintelligent people that can be racist) most of us have no problem with races and don't think twice about it. Our friends range from Asian, Blacks, Iranian, etc. We love the different cultures and when you meet people and learn about them we are really all just the same. We work, pay the same taxes, and just want peace to raise our families in. I have zero tolerance for racism. It has resolved nothing for as long as racism has been, and it's the likes of JFK, Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., losing their lives for these very principles to make one realize that certain people are terrified that wars that should never have been will be ended and there will be equality for all races of man. That should tell us all something and we should learn from these great men and strive to get along together rather than to fight with one another.
  • In the Province of British Columbia, we have Asians, East Indians, Western Indians, Polish, etc., and there seems to be no problems that many of us see here. Each culture is able to have their own temples, churches, etc., and have often more rights than the rest of us that were born here. We want our culture back and no matter what race comes before the justice system each and every one gets what they have coming to them. I would suggest to the above poster to move to British Columbia near Vancouver. It is certainly a multi cultural area and stalking, beating up anyone of race or sexual preference has a zero tolerance level here. There is always going to be the bullies and race has nothing to do with it. It happens in most cities.
  • People think hatred is skin coloured and all, but the main fact is that we are all the same. Racism won't effect our society if we all realize that we are the same.
  • Racism separates us from our neighbors. Instead of trying to better our lives or our nation we are spending more time fighting a constant battle with "that black group down the street." We become diverse and split ourselves apart, grouping together by our fellow races. We then create cities separated by race, and prefer to stay in our own city with fellow people of our race. Our country becomes divided, one race on one side and another on the other side. Our country at this point could be called 2 separate countries, and no one would care.
  • It's easy to identify that members of racial and ethnic groups continue to struggle for equal access and opportunity. Often, the targeted race has a harder time doing things such as finding a well-paying job or finding a house. Racism is a rampant for all areas of employment. People of color are last hired and first hired, according to studies. As a result of budget cuts, downsizing, and privatization will disproportionately hurt people of color. The unemployment rate for adolescents of color is four times as much as white adolescents unemployment rate.
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Racism segregates communities, fosters inequality, and perpetuates stereotypes. It can lead to social unrest, discrimination, and systemic injustices that impact individuals' access to education, employment, healthcare, and other opportunities. Overall, racism undermines social cohesion and impedes progress towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

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Q: How does racism effect society?
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Racism is considered to be an ameliorative problem because the challenge of erasing racism benefits or uplifts society. The process of removing racism from society creates a better society.

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Racism was bad.

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Both are based on racism and harmful to society

What way are environmental racism and institutional racism alike?

both are based on racism and harmful to society

Does racism still prevail in your society?

Depends what society and country you are talking about

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The major stakeholders in racism are all within society. Racism serves as a deterrent to a fully functioning society, with each individual operating at his or her highest potential. Racism affects this goal by putting barriers in place, that will serve to inhibit education and occupational achievement. The ultimate goal of society is full employment of its human resources. Racism is a major deterrent.

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Before we can stop racism in sports we must stop racism in society. As long as people are hateful towards those that are not like them in general society, there is no way to stop this in the sports world.

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Racism has not stopped; it is continually becoming more of a problem in our society today.

What is post racial society?

A society in which race and racism are no longer issues. Apex (;

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Racism. Look around.