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A:Until quite recently, most research scientists were Christians and implicitly believed that Noah's Flood was a historical event. Many believed that all they had to do was look for the evidence and they would find it. Science has moved on and scientists, both Christian and non-Christian, acknowledge that the biblical Noah's Flood is contrary to all the scientific evidence. However, Ian Wilson (Before the Flood) presents a well argued case that the story of Noah's Flood was based on a real, although local event, the inundation of what is now the Black Sea. There is evidence that rising ocean levels at the end of the Younger Dryas, around 5200 BCE, caused the Mediterranean Sea to breach the Bosphorus and flood the former fertile, low-lying plain. Wilson reports much physical and anthropological evidence that several later flood legends were folk memories of this great flood. Science is moving forward with its understanding of the biblical Noah's Flood, but in surprising directions.
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