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To the government and they use it as they see fit.

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public things like hospilts and stuff like that

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the money is spent on things like the health service and schools and stuff like that

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Q: How does the government spends money from taxes?
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What is federal spending?

Government spending is the amount of money that a government allocates and eventually spends in a specific period of time. The US government spends about one trillion dollars per year.

What do we use tax for?

Taxes are used when ever the government spends money. Anything that was government-funded used tax money.

Who spends government money?

The government spends it.

What describes a contractionary fiscal policy position?

The government spends less money than it earns by cutting its spending or by raising taxes. A+

Source of federal money and jobs?

The source of federal money and jobs is taxes. The IRS collects tax money from the citizens and businesses of the US, and then the federal government spends some of it on creating jobs.

If their is high inflation and the federal government spends less and raises taxes the government is utilizing what?

fiscal policy

What are 3 ways government spends tax money?

the government spends this tax money by aiding and helping everyone to obtain all their needs in the society and country.

Who spends the taxes?

In the USA, at the highest level it is the Congress (House of Reps). They are the only body that has the ability to FUND government spending. After them, it is the Government Agency that is given the spending authorization. After them, it is the Treasury that hands out the Money.

Where does the Cuban government spend their money?

The Cuban government spends most of their money on importing goods such as oil and food. It also spends a significant amount of money on relief programs for its citizens.

Does Congress have to take in enough money in taxes to pay for everything it spends?

No. In Article 1, Section 8, Congress has the right to borrow money on the credit of the United States. Nothing in the Constitution requires that all government expenditures be paid for by taxes only.

What is the meaning and objectives of Fiscal policy?

Fiscal policy is how the government taxes and spends money. The objective of fiscal policy is to influence the economic activity of the governmentâ??s country.

If unemployment is high and the federal government spends more and lowers taxes the government is utilizing what policy?

fisical policy