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The idea of atoms explains the conservation of matter. In chemical reactions, the number of atoms stays the same no matter how they are arranged. So, their total mass stays the same.

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Q: How does the idea of atoms explain the priciple of conservation of matter?
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What states that matter is not created or destroyed in a chemical reaction?

You are confusing the law of conservation of matter/mass with the law of conservation of energy. The law of conservation of matter/mass states that in a closed system matter is neither created nor destroyed. During a chemical reaction matter is rearranged, it doesn't change forms (energy can change forms). The atoms in the products are the same atoms that were in the reactants.

What principle tells us atoms are not destroyed?

conservation of matter

How does the idea of atoms explain the principle of conservation of matter?

this phrase refers to the" law of conservation of mass ".this law states that the total mass of the reactants is equal to the total mass of products after reaction has completed .or the total number of atoms taking part in a chemical reaction as reactants is equal to the total number of atoms obtained as products

Do cells contain atoms explain?

All matter is made of atoms.

Do cells contain atoms explain how?

All matter is made of atoms.

What law of conservation says atoms are neither lost nor gained during a chemical reaction?

Law of Conservation of Matter.

How the law conservation of matter is obeyed?

the matter is not created nor it is destroyed , it is simply rearrangement between various atoms

What is the law that states that atoms can't be created or destroyed but can be rearranged?

The law of conservation of matter.

How does the conservation of matter tell us about atoms in chemical reactions?

Matter is neither created nor destroyed. Only change of bonds occur in atoms.

When matter undergoes a physical or change are any atoms created ordestroyed?

in a nuclear reaction, matter (atoms) will be converted to energy. Other than that, no. That is called the conservation of mass.

State the principle that explains why there must be the same number of atoms of each element on each side of an equation?

It is the principle of conservation of energy.

Does the reaction of sodium chlorine obey the law of conservation of matter?

Yes, the reaction of sodium and chlorine obeys the law of conservation of matter. This law states that matter is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction. In the reaction between sodium and chlorine, sodium atoms combine with chlorine atoms to form sodium chloride. The total number of atoms before and after the reaction remains the same, demonstrating the conservation of matter.