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A neuron is a nerve cell in which, are circular cells that are bundled together known as ganglion. A actual nerve is attached to the nerve cell. There are two types of nerves ones that travel messages from the brain or to the brain. A nerve fiber that sends messages from the brain is called an axon fiber. The structure of an axon fiber includes myelin, which is a fatty substance stored on the outside of the nerve fiber to speed the message up. between each piece of myelin is a space called the node of ranvier that speeds the impulse up to. An alkali metal that is common and vital for all nerves is sodium. When a nerve impulse is taken place, the electrical activity passes through the sodium. Once the electrical activity has passed through the sodium atoms they become neutrally charged as they move towards the outside of the nerve fiber. The second type of nerve fiber is named a dendrite. The only difference the dendrite has is that it has no myelin sheath on the outisdeof the nerve to speed it up and also travels a lot slower than the axon fiber. Nerve fibers are bundled together in an actual nerve as the surrounding substance that keeps the nerve fibers together in the nerve is called perineurium. Towards the outside of the perineurium cluster is a substance named epineurium.

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Just keep it simple, It helps the cell connect with other nerve cells. (Study island question).

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Q: How is the size and shape of a nerve cell related to its function?
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How is a cell's shape and size related to it's function?

A cell shape is how it look, what shape it's in. While as a cells function is what it does for the plant or animal. For example a cells function could be to make proteins necessary for the body.

How the shape of a cell related to it's function?

The shape of a cell is related to its function so that it can carry out the role that it has in a proper manner. For instance, immune cells have to be able to change shape to squeeze past tightly packed tissue cells. A nerve cell, called a neuron, carries electrical messages from the brain to together parts of the body. Theses cells are long and thin. A sperm cell has a tail for it to swim to the egg.

How is it that the shape can adapted to carry messages around the body?

Nerve cells have many adaptations to their function. The basic function of a nerve cell is to deliver a message to the next nerve cell in order to send information across the body. It has long axon that deliver an action potentially a long way.

How does the shape of a nerve help them?

Each cell type has evolved a shape that is best related to its function. For example, the neuron in Figure below has long, thin extensions (axons and dendrites) that reach out to other nerve cells. The extensions help the neuron pass chemical and electrical messages quickly through the body.

What is the general shape of a nerve cell How does this shape differ Grimm the shape of a sperm or a skin?

The general shape of a nerve cell is long elongated and branched at an end. It come in different shape and sizes.

NERve cell function?

conducts impluses

What is the explanation for the nucleus in a nerve cell?

Chemical control center and data repository. It has nothing to do with the function of the nerve cell as part of a nerve.

How are neuron and nerve similar in function?

This is just terminology. Neuron = 'nerve cell'

The shape of a cell depends on its?

The shape of cell depends on the specific function it does.

A nerve cell can also be called a(an) .?

A nerve cell cannot also be called a neuroglial cell. A neuroglial cell is a cell that has a primary function of supporting neurons.

How is the shape of a cell related to its function?

It depends if the cell is a part of a multicellular organism (a plant or animal that has multiple cells). Nerve cells, for example, have long reaching "branches" so the electronic impulses it recieves can easily be passed to the next nerve cell. If it is a blood cell, it is round so it doesn't clog up blood vessels. Root cell, has "limbs" that reach out for water molecules. In the stem of a plant, the cells are arranged into polygon-like compartments in order to support the plant's structure. Single cellular? say, some types of omeaba, is stretched out so it can stretch and trap it's bacteria prey. The shape of its cell all depends on how it moves, and acts.

Describe the shape of the nerve cell and the onion cell.?

Answer the quesstion i need it for hw