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they eat them because one throne starfish can eat more than 40 square kilo metres in a year or coral

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Q: How does the throne starfish kill the corals?
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How does this starfish contribute to the destruction of the corals?

by killing the corals and eating it

How do starfish destruct corals?

They eat them.

Will starfish attac people?

To corals yes............

What do red knobbed starfish eat?

When the red-knobbed starfish is young, it will eat algae, but as it grows it will eat soft corals, sponges, tubeworms, clams, starfish and other invertebrates.

Can starfish kill cats?

If a cat would eat starfish, it may kill him. As for a starfish attacking a cat and killing him, it would not happen.

What ocean plants live in the Pacific Ocean?

starfish, seaweed, corals, sponges, algae, sea-shells.

How do you go to Poseidon's throne room?

Place a starfish on the offering stand.

Five examples of different organism that you can see on the great barrier reef?

In general, corals, anemone's, starfish, snails, reef fish.

Which creatures has radial symmetry?

The most prominent animal phyla with radial symmetry are the Echinodermata (starfish and sea urchins) and the Cnidaria (jellyfish and corals).

What adaptations do starfish make to coral reefs?

While most starfish feed primarily on mollusks, there are some varieties that prefer other invertebrate animals including hard corals. The crown of thorns starfish has fed on large portions of the coral reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific region.

Can starfish kill you?

nope but they are awful upside down

How do you get to posidens throne room in poptropica?

When you finish going to Hades' throne room ,use your mirror from Aphrodite and click Hades' symbol.Then,click on Hercules.Hercules will crunch the rock blocking Poseidon's throne room.Then you can go into his throne room.