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It runs by a waterwheel and that does all the labour.

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Q: How does the water frame made by Richard Arkwright work?
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Who made the water frame?

Richard Arkwright

What did Richard arkwright achieve?

He made the Water Frame

What did Richard Arkwright do before he made the water frame?

he was a writer.

When was the water frame invented?

The Water-Frame was used to spin yarn. It was invented by Richard Arkwright in 1769, and the Water-Frame made yarn spinning much easier for people, and had much more strength than the Spinning Jenny, invented in 1767.

Who made the spinning-frame?

Richard Arkwright

What century was the water frame invented in?

it was invented in the indrustrial revolution 18c defne

Who built the water frame?

Richard Arkwright built the Water Frame in 1769. It was a machine powered by water that made good yarn for making clothes.

How did Richard arkwright cange people's work lives forever?

Richard Arkwright's spinning frame allowed thread and cotton mills to produce their products a lot faster and made the Industrial Revolution's people happier

Who made the waterframe?

Richard arkwright

Who was sir Richard Arkwright?

Arkwright invented the first spinning machine that made it possible to mass produce woolen.

Why was Richard Arkwright knighted?

Richard Arkwright was knighted for his significant contributions to the industrial revolution, particularly for his inventions related to cotton spinning. His development of the water frame and the mechanization of textile production revolutionized the industry, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. Arkwright's innovations played a crucial role in the growth of the British economy during the 18th century.

What made Richard arkwright a good businessman?

Richard Arkwright was a good businessman because he put special insurances on his inventions so that nobody could copy them so he wouldn't lose money that way. He also treated his workers well, so they would want to work with him and he could get more yarn to sell, and Richard Arkwright had lots of shareholders and business partners which he got money from.