

How does wind power help us?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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12y ago

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Because wind can generate electricity while not polluting the Earth. This also helps us stop Global Warming.also it can power one hole town of 3 hundred house's

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Does wind power help us?


Will wind power be used in the future?

even thorough we use wing power today to help us humans get power, we wil still use wind power in the future

How will wind energy help the US?

Wind power is an important form of renewable energy. Wind power converts the energy of wind into electricity. In order to reduce the pressure on fossil fuel consumption, renewable energy is a must.

How does wind power help us with globol worming?

More wind power (and more of some other renewable energy sources) means we would use less fossil fuels.

How is wind energy used in the US?

The percent of the wind power

How much is wind power used in the US?

about 1.5% of all power consuption is produced from wind

Why is wind power better than ordinary electricity?

Wind Power is a clean and Renewable energy, because Wind Power is all around us.

HOW DOES wind help us?


How does an anemometer help us?

It helps us by telling us the wind speed.

How much wind does the US produce to the worlds wind energy?

Wind power is not generated by countries, it is a global phenomena.

How could you use wind patterns to travel all the way around earth?

wind power has been used to move ships with the help of trade winds and anti- trade wind wind power has been used to move ships with the help of trade winds and anti- trade wind

Where do you use wind energy today?

Today - Wind power plants-or "wind farms"-generate power across the US and Europe, and with continuing research and development, wind-generated electricity is comparable in cost to other power sources.