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Q: How effective are Helmets estimated to be in preventing fatal injuries to motorcyclists?
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Helmets are estimated to be what percent effective in preventing fatal injuries to motorcyclists?

60 percent of all motorcyle related deaths could be prevented by using sufficient headgear

Helmets are estimated to be effective in preventing fatal injuries to motorcyclists?

Yes, because they help cushion the head from a dangerous fall. As a sample scenario, lets say that a motorcyclist flips and lands sideways. The helmet will stabilize the riders head so as not to cause a major fatal concussion. Most helmets are layered with cotton cushions while the outside is a hard plastic or aluminum layer.

A bag filled with gas is more effective at preventing injuries in a car accident than a bag filled with water because?

gas particles are compressible

What are some ways motorcyclists can prevent injuries during a motorcycle accident?

To prevent sustaining injuries in a motorcycle injury a rider must wear proper equipment such as leather clothing and a helmet. Additionally, when involved in a crash it is best to try and fall in an open space to minimize impact injuries.

What are advantages of risk prevention?

if your preventing all the risks you drasticly reduce any chance of injuries

What piece of boat equipment is most important in preventing propellor strike injuries?

A propeller guard.

A bag filled with gas is more effective at preventing injuries in a car accident than a bag filled with water because .?

Gas can be compressed, cushioning the impact on the bag. Water cannot be compressed, and will transmit more force to the person that hits it.

What type of disk injuries is chemonucleolysis used with?

Chemonucleolysis is effective on protruded and extruded disks, but not on sequestered disk injuries.

What are some good general tips for preventing injuries while playing rugby?

There are several tips for preventing injuries while playing rugby. These tips include not running head first, being in good physical condition, and stretching before any physical activity.

What device on a boat is most important to prevent propeller strike injuries?

Ignition safety switch lanyard is the device on a boat that is most important in preventing propeller strike injuries.

What are the benefits of traffic lights?

It keeps people from driving into each other preventing injuries, and helps with the flow of traffic.

Should motorcyclists be legally required to wear helmets?

Yes. The cost to the community from preventable head injuries is enormous, and one must take into account here the cost to families caring for brain-injured people.