

How far apart are France and Spain?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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They share a common border.

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Q: How far apart are France and Spain?
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There are 309 miles from Montcuq France to Barcelona Spain.

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between France and Spain are the Pyrenees. These are mountains, and far from straight.

What mountain ranges separates spain and france?

France and Spain are separated by a mountain range known as the Pyrenees. France and Italy are separated by the Alps. Spain and Italy do not have a border and the Alps do not extend from Italy as far as Spain.

How far is Spain to France?

France and Spain both are in western Europe, Spain being located just South of France. They are neighbouring countries and share a border in the Pyrenees mountain range.

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It is 266 miles from Pamplona to Toulouse.

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It touches France and Spain. Southwest France and northwest Spain to be exact.

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France and Spain ARE countries.

How far is France from Barcelona Spain?

Approximately 8 hours driving.Miles: 516.74Kilometers: 831.59