

How fast can mayans grow crops?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: How fast can mayans grow crops?
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Why did Mayans grow crops?

Cause they need to eat.

Do Mayans grow crops?

Yes and their main crop is corn.

How did the Mayans grow their food?

They grew there crops by first slashing and burning, then placing the seed in the mayan fields and bam!

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Mayans farmed simply. because the whether was hot their crops would dry and need water, so they used to trade some of the soil from their highlands to their lowlands so they would both grow.

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because the season is so short

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Why did the mayans build crops?

They didn't build crops, they grewthem, mainly for food.

Did the Mayas grow cabbbage?

Yes, the Mayans did grow cabbage along with various other crops such as corn, beans, squash, and fruits. Cabbage was an important vegetable in their diet and agriculture.

What can you use to help crops grow fast?

photo synthsis ty x lol

What did the Mayans use to plant crops?

solar calender

When did the Mayans grow beans?

in 2020