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Traditional Mass (followed since the earliest days of the Church)

New Mass (1969 and later)

Mass was the solemn worship of God offered as a "sacrifice" for our sins

Mass now more of a memorial, instructional service or meeting

Mass said in Latin for centuries

Mass inaccurately translated to English

Rituals & prayers untouched since the early days of the Church

Rituals & prayers changed or removed despite prior Popes' disapproval

Priest faces Our Lord in the Tabernacle

Priest has his back to tabernacle (if there is a tabernacle)

Communion received on the tongue

Communion received in the hand

Communion received kneeling

Communion received standing

Communion distributed by priest only

Communion distributed by anyone

Silence, reverence & devotion during Mass

Talking and little devoutness during Mass

Sisters sing beautiful hymns at Mass

Modern, profane music at Mass

Priest reverent and restrained during Mass

Priest very casual and frequently joking

Frequent signs of the cross & genuflections by priest and laity

Far fewer signs of the cross & genuflections

No variations in Mass across parishes

Large variations across parishes (ONE Church should have NO variation)

High Mass with incense

No more high masses or use of incense

Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament

Benediction completely changed or abolished

Altar boys only

Altar girlsOnly clergy and altar boys in sanctuaryAnyone in the sanctuaryOnly Traditional missal used according to decrees of Council of TrentTraditional missal discarded, contrary to decrees of Council of Trent

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11y ago
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12y ago

What are now often called ministries were known as "minor orders". Most notably was the use of the Tridentine rite liturgy, which was the main liturgy. It was said in Latin, and was much more elaborate than the current "Novus Ordo" liturgy, which is a highly simplified form that omits and alters many parts of the original mass.

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11y ago

The Church was the same as it is today; however, the Liturgies were in Latin, not in the vernacular (language of the people).


Catholic AnswerPope John XXIII, of happy memory, convoked the Second Vatican Council to bring the Church "up to date" in how she presented the unchanging faith of the Church to the modern world. See his address at the link below. One of the Pope's primary interests was to reach out to our "separated brethren" the children of the unfortunate protestant revolt four centuries previously and to renew the faith of the faithful in the pews. Unfortunately for many, the called for reform of the Council was hijacked by liberal elements inside the Church who tried to "reform" her into a protestant "church". As it is the Holy Spirit who guides the Church, this effort was bound to fail, but not before causing wide-spread damage to the faithful. The Catholic Church, prior to the Second Vatican Council was a vibrant, growing community, but it was more insular. The faithful in the pew left evangelizing to the priests and sisters. They thought it was sufficient to, as the old saw had it, "pray, pay, and obey" and that was enough. The Holy Father and the Council told us it was not enough, that holiness was for every Christian, not just the professional religious. That evangelization was the job of every baptized Christian. The Church before the Vatican Council was much more traditional, little had changed, on the outside, since the Council of Trent, the Church was entrenched, holding on to things that the protestant had tried to jettison. In many ways, it was more concerned with not changing instead of reaching out to the world. On the other hand, the faithful were taught their faith, they may not have had a deep spiritual understanding of that faith, but they knew its rudiments, which is much more than can be said for the present day Church.
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13y ago

My guess it was more interesting than after the new testament.

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27 books are identified as being in the New Testament.

Is the name Catholic Church Biblical?

.Catholic AnswerThe name "Catholic" came about before the Bible (New Testament) was written completely, and definitely before it was put together in the fourth century. The "Church" part is in the Bible, but not the word "Catholic." Members of the Catholic Church wrote the Bible, and then Pope Damasus and the Council of Rome ordered which books definitively made up the Canon of the New Testament. In other words, the Bible depends upon the Catholic Church, not the other way around. So, no, the words "Catholic Church" do not appear in the New Testament.

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How many times does CHURCH appear in the Old Testament?

As far as I know the church was started by Paul in the new testament. And not in the old testament. At that time in the old testament they had the temple only. And Jesus also never did built a church in his life time.