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Before, the Europe passed through the Dark Ages, without laws or simply lawless. During that time, Islam came and radiated its light throughout the neighbring Europe and Asia.

To make the long story short, the American laws are very much an influence of Islamic laws. Check it fro the history of Islam how it influenced the whole world.

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Q: How have Islam ideas influenced American laws?
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English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.

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How do laws start?

Laws Start By Ideas .

Why is it illegal in some countries for abortions?

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How did Islam influence west African law?

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The pig.The Torah forbids Jews to eat pork (Deuteronomy ch.14).See also:The Jewish laws of keeping kosherWas Islam influenced by Judaism