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Fossils are the only way to learn which animals are extinct or have changed over time. We can look at animals that exist today and speculate concerning on the appearance of a common ancestor. We frequently have to change our opinion when we find a fossil.

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Q: How have you used fossils to learn about animals that are extinct or have changed over time?
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In addition to fossils how can scientists learn about an organisms ancestor?

Aside from fossils we can learn about organisms and how they have changed over the years by looking at the plants and animals we have today.

How do scientist learn about plants that are extinct?

Scientists learn about plants that are extinct by studying their fossils. These fossils will often preserve a plant's remains very well.

What can a scientist learn from fossils?

They can learn about evolution, as many living fossils have changed quite a bit over time.

Why are fossils so important?

Fossils are important to the humans because they help us learn about animals that are extinct (like dinosours). They can also help us with many clues as to how dinosours became extinct, and what they looked like.

How do scientists learn what extinct animals color were?

They don't, they guess.

How do you learn about the extinction of animals?

You can learn about them through fossils, like CT scaning to see how old the fossil is, or putting fossils and bones of the same animal together. if you have any questions about animals go to

What are fossils are used for?

Animals or people in the pastPlants can also produce fossils; the general answer is, fossils are the remains of ancient organisms.They are dead plants and animals thathave been traped for millions of years. Humans are animals too.

What things can scientists study to learn about ancient animals?

Their bone structure from fossils and their morphology

Does the museum of natural history have fossils?

The museum of natural history contains many fossils of prehistoric animals and plants and would be an extremely fascinating place for you daughter to learn more about fossils.

Do all living things change and adapt today?

All living things have always changed and adapted or else they would be extinct. Animals learn to adapt to environment and climate changes and plants adapt in similar ways.

Who or what is a paleaontologist?

A paleontologist is a scientist who studies fossils to learn about prehistoric plants and animals.

Why should you save sea otter?

because their is so much more that we can learn from sea otters if they become extinct then how will we learn from them, they are living breathing animals be a good samaritan