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Because, correct me if I am wrong it is made out of a Xerox tool that can be, and is most likely 100% all natural that is not and will never be made artificially.

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Q: How is Does newspaper ink help the environment?
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What was newspaper ink made out of?

About 80% of newspaper ink is made from plant based inks however the rest is mainly made from petroluem based ink.

Why did the ink change?

the ink damaged the environment

How can you dye a newspaper?

stab it with an ink pen

Is it safe to recycle newspaper with only black ink into garden soil to grow food?

Newspaper with black ink is just soy ink. No problems. It makes good mulch and it blocks the weeds.

Why does a glass panel looks cleaner when they are cleaned with a piece of newspaper instead of a piece of cloth?

The chemicals in the ink used in the printing of the newspaper help toremove grease and dirt on glass surfaces more effectively.

How do you make ink from banana sap?

Yes, because Banana Sap is a good ink base. Inspite of the problems that our environment is facing, producing ink out of natural ink can help lessen the cause of pollution and global warming.

Is it bad for your guinea pigs to eat newspaper?

Yes,the ink inside newspaper is poisonous for Guinea Pig.

Why newspaper are cheap?

Well, all newspaper's are is paper, ink, and time spent from peoples life's to make them. And assumming paper and ink are cheap,they sell them for cheap, but no matter what, they are making a profit!

Why do guinea pigs eat newspaper?

Cockatiels eat newspaper because it gives them something to do. It keeps them occupied. Depending on the type of ink used in the printing of the newspaper, the ink may be hazardous to your pet cockatiel. I advise to keep newspaper away from your cockatiel - away enough so that your cockatiel cannot get a hold of it.

Can you use paper towel for the bottom of your parakeets cage?

Yes, and it is better for them than newspaper because of the die in newspaper ink.

How does ink affect the environment?

in special ways

What products and publications use soy-based ink in their labeling and printing?
