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The natural carbon cycle causes a greenhouse effect which keeps our planet warm enough to sustain life. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere retain some of the sun's heat.

Since the Industrial Revolution man has been burning fossil fuels for industry, transport and the generation of electricity. This burning releases extra carbon dioxide (CO2) that has been safely underground for millions of years. This extra CO2 is disrupting the natural carbon cycle and is environmental contamination. This CO2, together with methane and other greenhouse gases, is what is causing the "enhanced" or "accelerated" greenhouse effect which is warming the planet.

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Q: How is Global Warming a direct result of environmental contamination?
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What proof is there that humans are causing global warming?

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Total Equivalent Warming Impact or (TEWI)

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It is supposed that greenhouse gases contribute to global warming.

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Yes there is. Both of them are directly related.

How is global warming thought to be occurring?

Most of global warming is thought to be occurring because of a theory there is no specific evidence say the direct cause of global warming.A:Scientists say it is extremely likely that global warming is being caused by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and deforestation (cutting down trees which previously removed carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere).

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Very basically, Bangladesh is on the river delta of the river Ganges and its ever-increasing flooding and inundations caused by the increasing snow-melt coming down from the Himalayas are a direct and readily-observable consequence of global warming.

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Comparing global warming to war is difficult because they are different types of issues with different impacts. While wars can have immediate and direct consequences in terms of human suffering and loss of life, global warming has long-term effects on the planet, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and damage to ecosystems. Both global warming and war have significant negative consequences, and it is important to address and mitigate the impacts of both.

What are three necessary elements for the spread of infection?

Direct contact, contamination and exchange of fluids.

Why do people believe global warming?

The facts bear out that global warming is occurring (direct temperature measurements, receding glaciers, species migration), and that humans are the primary cause (carbon dioxide has increased from 300 parts per million to nearly 400 ppm in the past century, due primarily to the consumption of fossil fuels).