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Cassandra was a prophetesses, princess, and priestess who saw the future, but was cursed by Apollo to not be believed.

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Q: How is cassandra in greek mythology knowledgable?
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In Greek mythology who was Cassandra's father?

King Priam was Cassandra's father.

Who were Cassandra's parents?

In Greek mythology, Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy.

What are the weaknesses of Cassandra from Greek mythology?

Cassandra's GIFT not her WEAKNESS was her curse- she was able to tell the future, however, no one would believe what she said.

Who was the princess who could see the future but was never believed by anybody in Greek mythology?

Her name was Cassandra.

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Who are people from history named Cassandra?

Cassandra is known in Greek mythology as being able to tell the future. However she was cursed by Apollo so that no one would ever believe her.

Who was greek mythology figured who was cursed with the ability to foresee the future but no one would believe her?

Cassandra, Apollo spat in her mouth when she refused him.

Did Cassandra the Greek God have weapons?

No; because Cassandra was not a Greek goddess but a mortal princess of Troy.

What nationality is the name Cassandra?

The nationality of the name Cassandra is Greek

What was the Greek goddess Cassandra god of?

Cassandra was a human seer, not a god.

What is a symbol of the Greek Goddess Cassandra?

if i hade to say i would say there is none

What does the name Cassandra mean in french?

In Greek mythology Cassandra was a princess of Troy blessed with the ability to foretell the future, but at the same time cursed in that no one believed her. She was not able to save Troy even though she tried to warn the Trojans about what would happen.