

How is electricity used in your everyday lives?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Water, light, computer, tv, phone, fan, AC, heater, clock, etc. YOU NAME IT!

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Q: How is electricity used in your everyday lives?
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Electricity effect your everyday lives by heat and light

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We use electricity in our lives everyday so it affects us in everything! When you do your homework you probably research the internet and you probably use an oven, microwave, air conditioner, lights and all those stuff everyday!

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Condensation is used in everyday lives, as it is basically when it rains. You can say that for example, when water has been evaporated by the sun, it builds up and rains. Hope I helped.

How was electricity used in the past?

Electrical use in the past is the same as it it used today. Not as many appliances then as now but electricity still made everyday tasks easier.