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== == Frog's reproductive organs are on the inside as where humans' are on the outside. Frogs have white hearts and humans' have red hearts. You can see a frog's esophagus through it's mouth and in a human's you can't. They are also different in size, obviously and shape too.

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15y ago
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9y ago

There are a few differences between a frog anatomy and a human. Frogs have wet skin, where human skin is dry, and the frog has a three chambered heart, where humans have a four chambered heart.

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9y ago

Very few- other than a female that produces eggs that are fertilized by sperm from a male. With frogs, the fertilization is external- outside the body. The female lays eggs in water, while the male deposits sperm over the eggs. The fertilized eggs grow into tadpoles, who grow into frogs.
well frogs have a resons to be attracted to femal frogs hope that helped.shelly k out
they sperm still enters the egg cells

They both re - product
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16y ago

They are able to turn their stomach inside out and scrape any undigested food out of their.... ummm colon

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8y ago

frog reproduction is different from human reproduction because humans have different positions

Frogs use internal reproduction and humans use external reproduction.

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10y ago

they both release sex cells in reproduction

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12y ago

a frog lays eggs but a human gives birth

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Q: How is frog reproduction similar to a human reproductions?
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What is the type of reproduction of frog?

asexual reproduction

Is the reproduction of the frog external?

the reproduction of frogs are external fertilization. By Crystal

Is a frog more like a human or frog?

One way frogs and humans are alike is that they are both vertebrates. This means they both have a spine or vertebrates. Another way that a frog and a human are alike it they both have the same body parts. Some of these body parts include the bladder, liver, small intestine and large intestine. Having the same body parts probably mean that the human and frog function in a similar way.

What are similarities between the human blood smear and the frog blood smear under microscope?

Numerous differences can be seen between frog blood and human blood. Perhaps the most obvious is the oval shape of the frog erythrocytes rather than the biconcave discs of human blood. Moreover, the frog erythrocytes have a nucleus (here stained blue) whilst human erythrocytes do not. There is less difference in size between the erythrocytes and leucocytes than in human blood. There are no platelets in frog blood.

What is the difference between the frog and human circulatory system?

The human heart about as big as your fist. The frog's heart is the size of a dime. They are both very similar other than that the frog has 3 chambers and the human has 4. The blood in the the left atrium has deoxygenated blood and the right has oxygenated blood. They both enter the ventricle which keeps them mostly separate while the blood drains into the arteries for transport around the body

Related questions

What is the name for a frog reproduction and a human reproduction?

A human reproduction is called fusing frogs are lay eggs

Which of the following pairs of organisms have the most similar methods of reproduction?

Fish and a frog. -Study Island.

What similar to the development of a tadpole into a frog?

Human fetus

Which of the following pairs of organisms have the most similar methods of reproduction A fish and frog B sponge and fish C sponge and earthworm D earthworm and frog?

A- fish and frog.

How are the skeletons of a frog and human the same?

Although they cannot be considered "the same" they have many similar structures. For example the design of the human hands is quite similar to the hands and feet of the frog. In a sense, the limb structure is very similar.

What is the type of reproduction of frog?

asexual reproduction

How are the human body similar to the frog's body system?

A frog has a liver, stomach, reproductive system, somewhat nuerological, and mucle/fat tissues similar to us.

What were the major differences between human leg bones to frog's leg bone?

The skeleton of a human and frog are quite similar. There are a couple differences with the radius and ulna on a frog being fused together as well as the tibia and fibula bones.

How is the life cycle of a frog and the life cycle of a human similar?

they both have 5 main stages

What structure in a frog is similar to the rectum of a pig?

The cloaca in the frog is similar to the rectum in the pig. The cloaca in the frog is similar to the rectum in the pig.

Is the reproduction of the frog external?

the reproduction of frogs are external fertilization. By Crystal

What kind of reproduction does a frog have?

They are unisexual animals . They reproduce sexually