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Its been nourished by the food the mother takes which is been converted into a liquid substance and later sent to the embryo through the placenta

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Q: How is human embryo nourished during its development in the uterus?
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What is the site of embryo development?

In mammals, the site of embryo development is the uterus.

During development an embryo is embedded in the?

During development, an embryo is embedded in the the endometrium during the first week of pregnancy. The endometrium is the innermost muccous membrage of the uterus. The embryo becomes implanted in it, then the surrounding tissue forms sinuses that exchange nutrients and later becomes the placenta.

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What inplants itself into the wall of the uterus during pregnancy?

The fertilized egg (embryo) impants itself into the wall of the uterus after conception.

Who will get the embryo?

Mother will get the Embryo which is an unborn baby in uterus in the early stages of development (up to 8 weeks after fertilization).

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Normal placement embryonic fetal development means that an embryo in developing in the uterus.

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Where does embryo grows?

An embryo grows in the womb, the uterus in otherwords

Function of fundus of uterus?

I don't know exactly but maybe it provides the site of development of the embryo.

Where is the place where an embryo grows in a woman?

You have got a special organ for this purpose. It is called as uterus. It is placed inside the pelvic cavity. The size of the uterus is 1*2*3 inches. This get enlarged during pregnancy to occupy almost the whole abdomen. It is normally placed at the right angle to the vagina.

What happened during implantation?

its a process in which early embryo is planted in lining of uterus

Time during which an embryo develops in the uterus is called?

13 to 645 days!