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How many years ago are you talking about? Read the King James Bible or Shakespeare's plays to see what English was like around 1600. Read The Canterbury Tales (in their original form, not a modern translation) to see what it was like in the 1300s. If you can find it, look at a copy of Beowulf in its original form to see what it was like in the 800s. Michael Montagne

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The language has got increasingly informal. We have started to use slang and apostrophies to shorten common words.

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Q: How is the English language different today from what it was years ago?
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Has the English language changed?

Yes. Consider the writings of Shakespeare in the 1500s and how different his words were from how we talk today. Even in the last 50 years there have been many changes in the English language, many new words added to dictionaries, etc.

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When was middle English introduced?

The English language has gradually evolved over thousands of years. The changes have been gradual and subtle. For indicative purposes only, Etymologists have classified the written and spoken forms of English in the period from about 1100 to about 1500 as being 'Middle English'.They also classify the language of Britain and British America since mid 1500s as being 'Modern English'. However, the language of Shakespeare's day in the early 1600s was much different from the English used today.

How old is the English language?

The English language is about 1500-2000 years old. Modern English is somewhere between 300 and 400 years old--Shakespeare wrote in Early Modern English.

Is English a good universal language?

The English language was declared by the United Nations as the official, universal language a few years ago.

Who invent English?

English evolved over time and is a mixture of different languages. For instance, after 1046 when William took over England all of the kings only spoke French for over 300 years. This meant that the general Englishman couldn't speak to the king because he didn't speak French, but French words filtered into the language and are still in use today. Some English words are Viking words and others have a Celtic base. So, English is a blend of many different people and languages. It is still changing today.

What was the official language of England for over 600 years?

The official Language of England is ENGLISH!!!!!

What language did Germans speak in 1800?

They spoke German; but the German back then was a bit different than today's German because the German language slightly changes every 50 or more years.

What is the percentage of non-English words in the modern English language?

38 I believe at the moment, but the English language is forever changing, so may not be the same in years to come,