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Without the Sun that makes the water evaporate, there wouldn't BE any water energy.

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Q: How is water energy dependent on the sun?
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All life on earth is ultimately dependent on what?

The sun for energy

How is a second-order consumer dependent upon the energy of the sun?

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What supplies the energy in water cycle?

The sun. The sun's energy comes in the form of heat. This begins the cycle with evaporation.

Is wind energy dependent on the sun?

Yes wind energy is dependent upon sun. it determines the direction of wind.

What energy source helps evaporate water from the earths surface in the water cycle?

The sun

Some of the sun's is converted into wind and water waves-?

Some of the sun's energy is converted into wind and water waves. Most of the sun's energy are absorbed by the primary producers.

What does energy that powers the water cycle comes from?

The energy that drives the water cycle is from the Sun.

How is a hydroelectric power plant dependent upon the sun?

Hydropower is dependent on the sun because the sun makes the water cycle work. The sun evaporates water in the ocean and from other places and then it rains into rivers which in turn flow into the Hydroelectric dams. If the sun wasn't there the water cycle would stop.

Is a night blooming flower dependent on the sun as a source of energy?

no a night blooming flower is not dependant on the sun as a source of energy because it blooms at night so it does not need the sun

Where is sun energy at on the water cycle illustration?

Sun energy is used to evaporate water. This is the initial step of water cycle.

What powers the entire water cycle?

The sun.

What is the main source of energy for hydroelectricity?

Water. (There is a clue in the name). Hydroelectricity is created by the use of the potential energy in water stored behind a dam. Actually, water itself is not a source of energy, though the original answer is somewhat correct, that it is the potential energy of the water (due to its height) stored behind the dam, we must look at what energy source moved the water (against the force of gravity) to its height behind the dam, and that source is the radiant energy of the sun. With the exception of nuclear and geothermal, the sun provides the source of all energy used on earth. Tidal 'energy' is mainly the result of the Moon's gravitational pull and therefore is not dependent on the Sun.