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Depends on "what" second. If any fluid from the penis was present (pre-cum/clear fluid or cum/whitish) then pregnancy is possible.

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Q: How likely are you to get pregnant if he was only inside for a few seconds?
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How do you know if you are pregnant during sex?

The only way to reliably know that you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test, which would be most likely impossible during sex. You don't. It takes 3 days for the sperms to die inside of you and make you pregnant so you can't know if you are pregnant til after that.

Can my female rabbit get pregnant if my male wasn't in her long?

Only takes a few seconds.

Can a girl get pregnant if a guy is only in her for 5 seconds and she starts her period a day later?

If you started you period, you most likely are not pregnant, but next time be more careful, either use a condom or get on birthcontrol.

How likely is it that a woman would be pregnant after a man pulls out?

only a 1% chance

Are you most likely to get pregnant on your ovulating days?

Yes, only when a egg is released can you get pregnant. It's available for 24 hours.

How likely am i to be pregnant My fianc and I had unprotected I'm not on birth control and he did not pull out This happened twice Is it likely I'm pregnant?

There is a 50% chance that you are pregnant if your fiancee and you had unprotected sex, you are not on birth control and he did not pull out. If this happened twice, it is 50% likely that you are pregnant but the only way you will know for sure is by taking a pregnancy test.

Can you get pregnant if you are about to renew your depo shot and get sperm inside you?

You CAN get pregnant, but there is only about a 3% chance.

Can I be pregnant if there was only pre-ejaculates fluid and no penetration?

If there was no penetration, you most likely aren't pregnant. Precum even lessens the chances, since it can rarley get you pregnant.

What is the normal blood pressure of 19 months pregnant women?

Likely non-existent, as women are only pregnant for nine months.

The guy went inside of the girl 2 time what are the possibility of getting pregnant?

It only takes once with unprotected sex to become pregnant.

If you sleep with your partner without using condoms and i don't let him come inside me is it possible for you to get pregnant but your on the pill and taking it right?

Yes, it's still possible to get pregnant, though less likely than if you weren't on the pill. The only 100% effective birth control is abstaining from sex.

If your boyfriend and you were having safe sex and he were pulling out of your vagina before he ejaculated are you still at risk of being pregnant?

yes! It is very possible to get pregnant even without him actually ejaculating inside of you. My sister in law got pregnant and he wasn't even inside of her for 5 seconds. Sounds crazy I know. But that was the only time they were sexually involved and the paternity test proved it was his child. So I would try a different method than pulling out. I've had 2 friends get pregnant that way just in the last 6 months.