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I think it depends on what are considered complications. In most cases a horse will complain loudly if breakfast is late. But it does not take long (a few days maybe) for the ribs and hip bones begin to show. The flanks sink in and the neck and back start to thin. When this happens the horse begins to burn muscle because his fat stores are used up. This whole process will worsen by far if water is also withheld. In a very short time the horse will be in distress. If not remedied the horse can experience irreversable damage to tissue and internal organs.

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Q: How long can a horse go without eating before complications?
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Should you? if possible yes. But on the other hand if you HAVE to handle your horse while it is eating then the horse should accept this. Sometimes you dont have time to wait around to let your horse eat before putting his rugs on etc and if you have to dont worry about it but it is nice to leave them to eat alone =] Since horses- when allowed to- spend about 16 hours a day eating, you should, because what if you need to ride or groom your horse during that 16 hours? Or if he has a vet appointment? True, he will want to keep eating, but you have to not let him walk all over you or he will try to get away with other stuff.