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According to Michael L. Boyd Assistant Praffesar of Entomology State Extension Entomology Specialist. "A stink bug's life expectancy is highly variable. Weather, predation, parasitism, and food availability and quality all play an important role in how long a stink bug may live. This figure may represent days, weeks, and even months. For example, green stink bugs like other stink bugs overwinter in the adult stage, and overwintering adults may live as long as seven to nine months.

Checking countless Web sites, searching for "stinkbug" and "lifespan" via Google. Bottom line is, it varies quite a bit based on the species. Can you be more specific?

People assume that all animals are born with very specific characteristics that each member must strictly adhere to. This is not true, I imagine the life-span for a stink-bug is highly variable by individual, although, in higher latitudes, I imagine they can't live through winter. But sometimes they seem like they live forever in summer.

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Does a stink bug have an enemy?

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Do stink bugs eat ants?

Yes, assassin bugs eat stink bugs. The insects in question (Reduviidae family) feed upon beneficial arthropods and insect pests. They prey upon stink bugs (Pentatomidaefamily) by ambushing them, biting them, paralyzing them with saliva and swallowing them alive.

How long can a stink bug's odor last on the surface that they can touch?

A Stink Bug's odor can last as long as six months. When trying to remove them, do not crush them or hurt them to avoid leaving the smell behind. Also, anything that has the scent on it can attract other Stink Bugs, so if possible, get it out of the house.

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No. aphid superfamily Aphidoidea Bedbug family Cimicidae

How long do stink bugs live in the wild?

They're actually pretty recent. Stink bugs have been alive since the Paleogene period, when the mammals started getting diverse and the dinosaurs were all getting eliminated from the map. They're about around 50 mil. years old.

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How big are assassin bugs?

I one I saw eating a stink bug was at least 3 inches long.

What does a stink bug nest look like?

I don't know for sure there is a "queen stink bug" but I seen one at work today we were calling the "queen". It was twice as large as a normal stink bug (brown marmorated beetle) with larger wings, longer legs, longer antennae, but the feature that stuck out the most was a shell-like bit that stuck out in the middle of it's body and had a center row of spikes going down the middle of it. Also, it had a long black "feeder" (or sucker, I'm not an etymologist so I don't know the proper terminology) sticking out of it's "mouth" that was black and curled under it's head. It was big, and gross and when one of my coworkers kicked it, something red came out of it's hind-end and then retracted back inside. I'm 99% sure it was a stink bug, and if it was, it was certainly a bigger, badder version.

What are the habits of a stink bug?

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