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Q: How long does a eastern box turtle sleep?
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When did the eastern box turtle become the state reptile?

In North Carolina, the eastern box turtle was designated state reptile in 1979.

Are Eastern box turtle herbivores?

No they are omnivores

What are the enemies to a eastern box turtle?

A lawnmower.

What is the scientific classifacation of a box turtle?

The Eastern Box Turtle is classified as terrapene carolina carolina.The Western Box Turtle is classified as terrapene ornata.

Is a eastern box turtle a snapping turtle?

No it isn't.It's part of the hinge shelled turtle family.

Where Eastern box turtle live?

North Carolina

What eats a eastern box turtle?

thier poor because they live in a box

What is like a small tortoise?

Eastern Box Turtle, In the U.S.

When do box turtles wake up?

I have noticed that my box turtle will sometimes sleep with her head hanging out of her shell. She only completely retreats into her carapece when she is burrowed into the substrate or when she is in her hollowed-log hut. She typically sleeps when the sun goes down (or lights-out), but will quickly spring back to attention when there is activity in the room. She rises early (with the sun).

What type of turtle is Franklin?

He kind of looks like Verne from over the hedge... he might be a Box Turtle in general or maybe some species of slider.

Can a eastern box turtle share a tank with a eastern painted turtle and mate with it?

No, different types of turtles can only mate with each other if they are both part of the same sub species. for instance yellow belly sliders and red eared sliders can mate. but a painted turtle and box turtle would not mate.

How long for a box turtle to lay eggs after mating?

the eastern box turtle lay there eggs between the months of june-sept. once the eggs are layed the baby box turtles will begin to hatch within a period of 70-140 days.