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Q: How long does implantion cramping last?
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How long does a implant last?

2 to 3 days..mine last two days..i had a lot of cramping but not servere...but that's it..

How long cramping last after taking the misoprotol pills?

Normally 5-6 hours but for some it can be longer.

Did you miscarry if you tested positive for pregnancy but lost the tenderness in your breast and have been cramping?

I would not stress about it. My breasts are only tender for a few days and then that goes away. As for the cramping, it could have been implantaion cramping which would not last long either.

How long does or can implantation cramping last with no bleeding?

Implantation cramping is different in every woman. It can last a few hours to about a week, but still even after the egg has implanted, you can still experience cramping, such as, throughout your whole pregnancy, due to the uterus growing and changing.If you are concerned, check with your doctor.

Is it possible to be pregnant and have cramping or is the cramping from your polycistic ovary syndrome?

It is very normal to have some cramping during pregnancy. If it is severe or continues for a long period of time, see your doctor.

Is it normal to still have cramping after your period that comes and goes for the last two week?

No. Cramping before and during your period is normal, but not after. You should see a doctor.

Why am i cramping and feeling bloated 5 days after having my period could i be pregnant my cycle is normal and 28 days long and last period April 1-5?


What does implantation spotting look like and how long does it last and is there cramping with this?

It is pink or brownish in color also it can come and go for days some cramping can come with this but no heavy blood flow and no heavy cramping. Spotting on and off dureing the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is common. Your doctor is always the best one to answer any questions they know your medical history. Best of luck.

Can clomid cause slight cramping near the ovary region right after taking it and the cramping remains till the 5th last pill?

Of course! Since Clomid is meant to stimulate ovulation, you may have cramping near the ovaries.

Lower abdominal cramping is pregnancy symptom?

yes you do have abdominal tenderness and cramping when you are pregnant.I recently had a baby last year and that was one of my first symptoms.As long as there is no extreme pain it is completely normal.

Are backache and cramping normal in the first trimester?

backaches yes cramping is ok as long there is no spotting

What cause fingers and hands to cramp?

Some causes can be grasping something tightly or for a long period of time, fatigue, injury, dehydration, hypocalcemia, kidney disease, dystonia, hyperventilation, and too many other causes to add all of them.More information:Some questions your health care professional may ask to determine the cause:What were you doing prior to hands/fingers cramping?Is anything else different?Is it both hands/all fingers?How long does the cramping last?What, if anything, brings relief?Is the cramping sporadic? Does it occur at certain times/activities?How long has this occurred?