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it takes almost 5 years.......Really?

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Q: How long does it take bees to make a hive and how long do they stay?
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Which animals stay in a hive?

Bees and Wasps.

Do bees move a natural hive?

A hive is an artificial home provided for honey bees by a beekeeper. Once bees are settled in the hive (or wild colony), they usually stay there and don't move.

When bees stay close to the hive rain is close by?


When bees stay close to the hive rain is near by?

Bees stay close to the hive when rain is nearby because they can detect changes in air pressure. If is going to rain and the air pressure drops, the bees will remain in their hives.

Do bees stay in there hive in the winter?

no they go to go to a warmer climate

Will bees come back next year?

This is a silly question. If you have a hive of bees then they don't fly south for the winter. they make honey to live on during winter time >>. they stay at home.

Where the bees stay during wintertime?

they all die except for the queen who hibernates in the ground Bees usually spend the winter inside of their hive.

Do bees hiberanate?

No, they don't hibernate. In cold weather bees cannot leave the hive because if they lose too much body heat they will die. They stay in the hive, cluster together and generate heat by vibrating their wing muscles.

How long do bees stay in there net?

After emerging from the pupal cell, an adult bee will spend about three weeks working in the hive. After this time it will become a forager and will go out to collect nectar and pollen.

What time do bees leave the hive in morning?

Bees can fly from the hive any time in daylight, provided it is warm enough. They really want the air temperature to be higher than about 14 degrees C to stay away from the hive for any period of time.

How many months do bees and wasps hibernate?

They truthfully don't hibernate. Hibernation is a long period of sleep in mainly the winter time. Most types of bees are just inactive outside of the hive for a month or two. They mainly just stay inside the hive and do some cleaning up like you or me would do when we really cant leave the house.

How long does a drone stay in the hive for?

In Western Europe from about April to September.