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In order that Castor Oil will act as a laxative the dose ought to be sufficient. The Russian Popular Medicine recommends one milliliter Castor Oil per one kilogramm of the human weight; e. g. 60 kg --> 60 ml (= 2 oz), this taken early in the morning, not having breakfasted. In this case the first bowel movement will occur normally 2 to 4 hours after having gulped this stuff, eceptionally 1 to 6 hours later.

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Q: How long does it take before castor oil acts as a laxative?
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How fast does castor oil work as a laxative. I've never used it before. The bottle says 6-12 hours but I've seen online some people say only 2 hours.?

The time it takes for castor oil to work as a laxative can vary from person to person. Generally, it is expected to start working within 2-6 hours, but it can take up to 12 hours for some individuals. It's important to follow the instructions on the bottle and consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns or experience any unusual effects.

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Depends on your physical condition

Can you take a laxative 3 days after appendectomy surgery?

You may want to use to stool softener after this surgery. You can take laxative as long as you are taking pain pills and until you have had your first bowel movement

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There is no immediate interaction between them unless you have an allergy to either of the two.

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Ask a doctor for better opinion

How do you get natural long eyelashes?

You can apply castor oil every light on your lashes which will help out for a beautiful lashes

Can castor oil end a one week pregnancy?

No. While long-rumored that castor oil could flush any and everything out of the body, it simply isn't so. What it will do, tho, is put you on the toilet in horrible pain for hours.

Does castor oil help grow back eyebrows how long does it take?

I've seen lots of castor oil, but I've yet to see castor oil, with hair. So the answer is, Castor Oil can make your Poo RUNNY, but NO it CANNOT grow hair; not even on your head.

How many acts were in a Shakespearean play Macbeth?

All Shakespearean plays, including Macbeth, are divided into five acts. This has to do less with the way Shakespeare wrote them and more to do with how long a candle would burn before needing to be replaced. Indoor performances were by candlelight and thus had breaks at the end of the acts.

What is moderate fecal burden in the colon?

Moderate fecal burden is simply a fancy way of saying there is a large amount of stool in the colon. This can usually be taken care of with the use of a laxative. However, never use a laxative long-term without seeking the advice of your doctor.

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How long does castor oil in a bottle last after once opened?

talking to some people, it seems to last around 3 years