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"THC can stay in you blood stream for about 5-7 months"

Someone is being pessimistic. First, are you smoking swag or kine. Second, are you a pothead or just an occasional smoker. Third, how fat are you. Fourth, how active are you.

Depending on how you answer it will take 2-45 days. In some cases, potheads can still have THC after 90 days of them quitting.

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Q: How long does it take for THC to get out of your blood stream?
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How does marijuana metabolize?

THC, the active ingredient in Marijuana, is absorbed into lipid tissue. As your body naturally turns over lipid tissue it releases the stored THC into your blood stream. From the blood stream it enters various stages of the excretory system (i.e. Skin, Urine, etc) Depending on your natural metabolism and the amount of exercise, it could take anywhere from weeks to months for the THC to be fully metabolized.

If THC stores in fat if you burn fat will you burn THC?

NO you will release THC into your blood stream. THC can only exit the body by being broken down by enzymes in the liver via oxidation and metabolization.

If you smoke hash on a regular basis how long does it take to go out of your blood?

It takes about 4 to 6 months for THC to leave your blood.

Will you test positive for THC after eating a cake with marijuana cooked in it?

yes because the THC is still getting in your blood stream wait 30 days

How long will THC stay in blood stream if only smoked one time?

About a year maybe longer depending on your shoe size

What is the longest that THC will stay in your blood stream?

In fat and hair cells.

What circulate in blood stream for years and provide long-term immunity?

As the blood cells progress to the body , THC fromthe cannibis plantcirculates the blood for 30 days , just letting you know. I dont give a f*** about your question :)

How long does it take THC to leave your blood?

Depending on how much your intake of THC is. If your intake of THC is a couple times a week it will stay for about 3-4 weeks. If you only smoked once it would stay in your system for 48 hours.

Will eating marijuana seeds cause you to pop on a piss test?

Nope, there is no thc in a seed. Thc production does not happen late into flowering and even then you must first heat the thc to make it into your blood stream, technically you can consume raw cannabis all day long without worry but you also wouldn't get high

How long does THC stay in child's blood in the womb?

For as long as it stays in yours.

How long are you considered under the influence with marijuana?

according to british scientists it can take up to four weeks before the THC is out of your blood.

How long can THC can stay in your body?

It is very unlikely casual exposure to cannabis smoke will cause THC to be transferred to the blood.