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Apart from size, baby seahorses have all the features of the adult seahorses from the moment they hatch.

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Q: How long does it take for the baby seahorse to stat to look lke its parent?
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What does the seahorse look like?

It depends on what type of seahorse it is. If its a giraffe seahorse then it should look kinda like a giraffe.

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A seahorse

Can an offspring look like just one parent?

because of the chromosomes the parents will give 23 of their chromosomes to the baby born and then that baby has 46 chromosomes in all.this method is called mitosis.

Do baby fish look the same as the parent fish?

No they usually don't look like the adult of the species until they have grown a bit.

Why does a seahorse look like a horse?

god made it that way

Why is a giraffe seahorse called a giraffe seahorse?

The Giraffe Seahorse is called that because of their unique look to the coronet (which in my guess is a piece of bone or of their bony armour that is on the top of there head or above the eye) which resembles a giraffe's horns.