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Q: How long does it take to heal a phase 1 hamstring injury?
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How long does it take for soft tissue damage to heal on the knee?

The length of time for an injury to heal depends on the health of the victim and the type of injury. In general, the injury can take months to heal.

How long does it take for a dirt bike injury to heal?

DUDE!!! What kind of injury would be helpful?

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It depends on the magnitude of the injury.

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The amount of time for a kittens nose to heal after getting injured on metal will depend on the severity of the injury. Usually, if the injury was not bad, the nose should heal within a week.

How long will it take for a hamster's foot to heal?

Rodents, unlike most mammals cannot heal broken bones.

How long to heal a hematoma of arm?

Using a warm compress will help to speed the healing process. It should heal on its own in hours of the injury or within days.

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well my mom had one so it took her like2-3 month

How on a cellular level do broken bones heal?

On a cellular level, broken bones first heal by the dislocated bone being pushed together back into place, preferably by a doctor. After that, it initiates the long process comprised of three phases, the reactive phase, the reparative phase, and the remodeling phase.

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That depends on the injury. It could be anywhere from a few weeks to never.

How long does it take for injuries to heal?

it depends upon how deep the wound is and area, skin conditions, and type of injury

What kind of injury takes three months to heal?

Staff infection usually takes a long time to completely get over

How long does it take for the peripheral nervous system to grow back?

As unfortunate as this may sound, nerves do not heal. Nor do they regenerate. If you've suffered an injury that's caused nerve damage, that damage will not heal or regenerate.