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Q: How long does spacers hurt for?
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Do spacers hurt more the day after?


Do spacers hurt to get put in?

My son told they hurt a little bit at the beginning. Then you just get used to them

Do spacers in the teeth hurt?

No, spacers in your teeth don't hurt at all and if they do, they will go away in a few minutes. While spacers are being put in your teeth it feels like someones pulling your teeth out. But that really does not hurt, it may hurt a few seconds but it go away as fast as you can say ouch. You will have to get used to the way it feel and that only takes a few minutes and you wont even know they are there! After a few hours it feels a little weird because it means that they are separating your teeth and it doesn't hurt much but just a tiny bit. Before I got my spacers in my mouth i had to get little rubber bands in between my molars to create space for the spacers . And those hurt terribly . getting braces hurts and getting them tightened hurts. idk yet about the actual spacers cus i haven't got them in my mouth yet. but my best suggestion to you is take Tylenol because your gonna need it !

Do spacers hurt?

Spacers actually kindove hurt!! It might not seem like it but its so painful! The reason why spacers hurt is because they are spacing out our teeth, if one of your spacers was hard to get in, then you know its really gonna hurt!! You should take advil or suck on a ice cube to numb your jaw- MAKE SURE NOT TO BITE THE ICE CUBE or its gonna kill! If your spacer still hurts put an ice pack on your cheek or if your at school go to the nurse and they might have a better way to help.

IS there a way to make your teeth not hurt with spacers?

use some Tylenol

Does it hurt when the orthodontist takes your spacers out?

No, it doesn't hurt to put them in or take them out. However it might be uncomfortable to eat while they are in.

Why does it hurt when you bite down with spacers?

no, it will when you first get them in, but it will get better(: (i've had braces on for 3yrs)

What does it feel like when getting spacers put on?

It feels like you have meat in between your molars but it doesn't hurt that bad but it depends how you are in pain. If you are a person that can deal with pain then it probably will not hurt but if you cannot handle pain then it will hurt.WARNING: DO NOT THINK ABOUT THE PAIN! IT WILL HURT 10x MORE!PS. I have had spacers and braces and I will say the braces hurt worse. Good Luck :)

How long do spacers stay on?

DO NOT WORRY AT ALL!! spacers only stay on for 3-4 days, then come the braces. for some people spacers stay on for 1 week, depending on your dental situation...i recommend some pain relievers because the day after your spacers, it will hurt like hell!! it can also last up to 2 weeks..but that is only if your teeth are extremely crammed together.....GOOD LUCK! And once again its USUALLY ONLY A FEW DAYS!!

Do braces hurt more then spacers?

Don't worry, I have had spacers before. They don't hurt they just feel very weird, because your teeth arn't used of it. My ortho. also said everyone is different some people will the the pain, and other won't. Good luck

Does putting a dentistry spacer hurt?

NO.... its just a slight pressure and that's it.... spacers hurt more than braces though... put putting them in is nothing.

Are all the spacers for laminate flooring the sameor do you have to purchase them for the brand of flooring?

you can use the same spacers as long they are a 1/4 "