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Nerve cells are different from other cells. In other cells they have a cell wall cell membrane nucleus lisozomes etc. but nerve cells dont have the information nor the ability to heal as well as normal cells do. it all depends on the extent of the damage

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When pregnancy is over because the enlarging fetus continously pressing on this nerve.

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Q: How long does take for sciatica nerve damage to heel?
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What are some causes of foot numbness?

Foot numbness is an indication that a nerve is being compressed. The causes of nerve compression vary, from positioning (for example sitting with your legs crossed for a long period of time) to nerve damage, among other things. I would see your doctor for more information.

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Yes it would cause a nerve damage but it depends on where and how long you give mild electric shock to somebody. i think so?

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Nerve Pain Caused by Sciatica?

The sensory nerves are those that send signals from both the muscles and the skin to the brain and spinal cord where it is processed, causing you to experience many sensations, including pain. There are many things that can cause nerve pain. Nerve pain and damage may often be mild, but even then it can still affect your life. One particular type of nerve pain that millions of people experience is sciatica. Sciatica refers to a condition where the sciatic nerve, which starts in the lower back and travels through the buttocks into the leg, is pinched. The sciatic nerve is made up of multiple spinal nerves so that when it is pinched it can cause pain that extends from the buttocks all the way down the back of the leg. This type of nerve pain is usually caused by a herniated disc or a bone sput that presses on one of the roots of the sciatic nerve. Symptoms of nerve pain caused by sciatica are: •Lower back pain •Pain in the back of the thigh, lower leg or foot. This pain may often be worse than the back pain itself. The pain can range from moderate to severe and will usually start in the buttocks. If the pain does not extend beyond the knee, the problem may not be true sciatica. For people who have sciatica for a long time, the pain eventually centers in the buttocks and the back of the leg and the actual back pain may diminish. Treatment for the nerve pain caused by sciatica varies depending on the severity of the case. Many cases of sciatic nerve pain go away on their own over time. Fairly conservative treatments like rest and limiting activities that may aggravate the condition, combined with anti-inflammatory medication are usually the first treatment alternative. Strengthening and stretching exercises as well as supervised physical therapy work well to help sufferers return to their regular activities. Surgery is usually the last option when all other more traditional treatments have failed. But there are now endoscopic surgical procedures that can repair a herniated disc and relieve the nerve pain. These replace the much more invasive open back surgeries and pain and discomfort are greately reduced along with recovery time.

Can sciatica pain just cause pain numbness in the upper front leg from waist to knee?

No, generally sciatica would be pain radiating from the lower back, usually on one side or the other. This pain would radiate to the buttocks or down the back of the leg and not the front of the leg. A type of pain or numbness that comes from the waist and to the front of the thigh can be meralgia paresthetica which is an entrapment of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. This often happens when there during pregnancy or obesity. It may even happen with pants that are too tight, especially when you sit for long periods of time. The pain described could also be caused by damage to or inflammation of the femoral nerve. The femoral nerve allows people to feel sensations in the front part of the thigh and a section of the lower leg.

How long can nerve cells survive without new blood supply?

Only a few minutes, that is why stroke causes serious damage.

How high must the pressure be in a person's eye in order to cause damage to the optic nerve?

A higher pressure for a long period of time will gradually start to cause damage to the optic nerve. My guess would be mid 20's and higher, but you can always ask your doctor too.

Is heel a long e word?

Yes. The EE pair in heel has the usual long E sound as in feel and peel.

How long does it take for a blister to heel?

a blister takes about 1-2 weeks to heel just as long as you don't pick it

Sentence with Achilles heel?

His inability to endure long distance running is his Achilles heel.

Can you use methylprednisolone tabs 4mg for sciatica?

Methylprednisolone helps reduce inflammation/swelling. Sciatica or Sciatic Neuritis is caused by general compression/irritation of sciatic nerve and most of the cases there are inflammation involve. Therefore oral steroid or methylprednisolone is very helpful for sciatica, however you cannot take methylprednisolone for long period of time, dose is usually tapered down after several days of using it, because steroid has many side effects that can be fatal. So you need to consult your doctor before taking methylprednisolone.

How can genocide be prevented?

The sensory nerves are those that send signals from both the muscles and the skin to the brain and spinal cord where it is processed, causing you to experience many sensations, including pain. There are many things that can cause nerve pain. Nerve pain and damage may often be mild, but even then it can still affect your life. One particular type of nerve pain that millions of people experience is sciatica. Sciatica refers to a condition where the sciatic nerve, which starts in the lower back and travels through the buttocks into the leg, is pinched. The sciatic nerve is made up of multiple spinal nerves so that when it is pinched it can cause pain that extends from the buttocks all the way down the back of the leg. This type of nerve pain is usually caused by a herniated disc or a bone sput that presses on one of the roots of the sciatic nerve. Symptoms of nerve pain caused by sciatica are: •Lower back pain •Pain in the back of the thigh, lower leg or foot. This pain may often be worse than the back pain itself. The pain can range from moderate to severe and will usually start in the buttocks. If the pain does not extend beyond the knee, the problem may not be true sciatica. For people who have sciatica for a long time, the pain eventually centers in the buttocks and the back of the leg and the actual back pain may diminish. Treatment for the nerve pain caused by sciatica varies depending on the severity of the case. Many cases of sciatic nerve pain go away on their own over time. Fairly conservative treatments like rest and limiting activities that may aggravate the condition, combined with anti-inflammatory medication are usually the first treatment alternative. Strengthening and stretching exercises as well as supervised physical therapy work well to help sufferers return to their regular activities. Surgery is usually the last option when all other more traditional treatments have failed. But there are now endoscopic surgical procedures that can repair a herniated disc and relieve the nerve pain. These replace the much more invasive open back surgeries and pain and discomfort are greately reduced along with recovery time.