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Q: How long has deforestation gone on?
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What damage is done to the rainforest by deforestation?

Tropical rain forests are affected by deforestation worldwide, especially in Indonesia, the Amazon, and Africa.

What will happen to America if deforestation is ignored?

We will all die.... :(

What are some catchy Deforestation titles for a project you are doing?

"tree today, gone tomorrow"

How long has deforestaion been around?

how long has deforestation been around

How long has deforestation been happening in the Amazon Rainforest?

As far as I know, the earliest deforestation caused by humans was in Australia about 40,000 years ago. So it has been going on for a long time.

Is deforestation helping the earth in any way?

not at all! it is destroying our earth and soon when all forests are gone we will have no more oxygen

What is long gone?

Long gone, means something that has happened very long ago.

How are the different organisms in the rainforest disturbed by deforestation?

ALL the things that live in the rain FOREST are exterminated when the FOREST is destroyed. That is what "deforestation" means, cutting down and burning all the trees.When the trees are gone all the things that lived in them die.

What is it called when you cut down trees without replacing them?


How long has Mr. Murry been gone in the book A Wrinkle in Time?

In the book, it did not explain how long he was gone. Only that he was gone for so long

How long is Ellen supposed to gone how long is she actually gone?

she never left?