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2 weeks after sex at the earliest

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Q: How long should you wait to buy a home pregnancy test?
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How long after taking a pregnancy test should you take another pregnancy test?

2 weeks

How long after intercourse could you take a pregnancy test?

You should take a pregnancy test shortly after your missed period. That is when a home pregnancy test is most effective. Although I have heard you can do a blood test at the doctor as soon as 2 weeks before your missed period.

How long would you wait to ruled out pregnancy in home pregnancy test?

One month and a half it should show by then.First responce is the best one.

Can holding urine long before a pregnancy home test cause you to get a negative test?


A doctors pregnancy test vs home pregnancy test?

A doctor's pregnancy test is much more accurate, where as a home pregnancy test can be faulty.

If you take a pregnancy test and it said you were not pregnant should you take an ultrasound?

was it a pregnancy test at the hospital or at home if at home get the ultra sound if at the hospital don't bother

Can a home pregnancy test tell me how long Ive been pregnant?


What does on vertical line in the results window of a pregnancy test mean?

if you have only 1 line after taking your home pregnancy test it mean that you are NOT pregnant, and if there are 2 lines on your home pregnancy test, then you are pregnant but should go to a docotor to confirm it.

How do ladies find they are pregnant what should they do?

They should take a home pregnancy test and/or go to see their Dr and tell them that you may be pregnant. If you have a positive home pregnancy test see your Dr as soon as possible and they will tell you what to do.

How long after conception should you take a pregnancy test?

11 days

How long after a miscarriage should a pregnancy test show positive?

A pregnancy test can remain positive for 2 weeks after a miscarriage. Sometimes longer.

Is it true that after 16 weeks you wont get a posative test?

You should have a positive pregnancy test during the entire pregnancy. The hormone levels are the highest from 10 to 14 weeks and a home pregnancy test will be the "strongest" positive then.