

How machines help us do work?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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11y ago

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They help us by doing things that we can't do and make easier the things that we can do.

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How do machines help us to do work?

makes life easier on us

What are the 3 ways machines can help do work?

1. they help move around objects faster 2. they allow us to use less force and energy 3. they help make work faster

How do simple machines help us?

Simple machine help us do work like lifting heavy things that we cant lift. This was done by an 8th grader at berea middle school.

What simple machines are used for?

the 6 simple machines are used to help us in our daily which means it give us less time to do it ourselves . when the tools are doing all of the work. the 6 simple machines are listed here: inclined plane, pulley, wheel and axle, lever, wedge, screw and those are the 6 simple machines.

How do simple machines help us make better use of your?

Oh yeah. Simple machines really help me make better use of my your. Ofcourse it help us a lot.

What do simple machines help do?

They make work easier

What things are machines?

Machines are tools that help us live better.They are developed from us like the machine axe! its developed from our arms.

What are machine curls?

Exercising machines that help you work out your biceps.

When do you use muscular energy?

to do work with or without the help of machines.

Difference between hydraulics and pneumatics?

hydraulic is liquid based, pneumatic is air.

What do basic simple machines do?

Help us in our everyday lives:)

What are the advantages of machines in human life?

Machines are made or designed to help men do jobs easier. even before they used simple machines to help them do heavy work such as pulleys and lever.