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A Blu-Ray disc can hold up to a maximum of 50 GB (5 times more data than a DVD can hold). Each movie consumes different data space

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Q: How many Mb are in a Blu-ray Movie?
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How many megabytes would be a movie?

Usually a average size movie is just under 1GB.

How many megabytes does an average movie take up if i save it on a 4gig flash drive?

700 MB (700 megabytes) --- SatheeshBangalore

When downloading a 702 megabyte movie on a 20 gigabyte plan how many gigabytes of said plan are used?

Well, one gigabyte is equal to 1,024 megabytes, so this particular movie would leave you with 19 gigabytes and 322 megabytes.

How many megabytes in a 2 hour movie that is DVD quality?

1 mb=1 minute of film. So 2 hours would be 120 Megabytes.

How many megabytes are used to watch an online movie?

It depends. But to set a range I'd say between 400 to 800 Megabytes no more no less.

What is an MiB?

A mib is men in black witch is a movie and a marvle comic

How many movies can you download with 5 gigabytes?

At least five for sure, but it greatly depends on how many Megabytes are in each movie. Most Likely no more than 20

If your iPhone has 6GB of available memory how many 700 MB movies can you store on it?

It's a simple calculation: 6 GB = 6000 MB approx. divided by 700 MB/MOVIE Equals approximately 8 1/2 movies.

What was the first bluRay movie released?

Pirates of Caribbean

List the different data types and give an example where each would be used?

b, bytes: The smallest data type, isn't used very much when you're talking about files but it's the ground. kb, kilobytes: In one kb there's 1000 bytes. A document is often some kbs. mb, megabytes: In one mb there's 1000 kilobytes. This one is more used than the previous. A song is usually 3-6 megabytes big. A movie in dvd-quality is around 700mb big. gb, gigabytes: In one gb there's 1000 mb. This is also used more. A movie in HD is usually 4 gb, a bluray is 8 gb or more. Todays harddrives holds 250-1500 gigabytes, where 500-750 is most common. tb, terabyte: In one tb there's 1000gb. This isn't so common, but harddrives in different kinds usually holds around 1tb.

How many minutes is 2054 megabytes?

Depends - 2054 megabytes of what? - 1 minute of MP3 music in a fairly high quality takes about 1 MB, but the amount of MB/minute can really vary a lot. A minute of a DVD-quality movie takes up much more space than that.

How many megabytes are in a average movie?

There is no set standard. Movie sizes will vary greatly on the quality of the video. The higher the quality the higher the size. Movies can range from 300Mb to 7+Gbs in size depending on a variety of factors.