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594,378,456,385,384,362,867,574,675,485,365,675,401,295,385,283 penis, and I will eat lots and lots of apples until I have to use the tiolet. And then a subway crashes through my house. I will stop it and then jion the circus. I see cats at the circus and keep them as my pets. But a day at the aquariam causes them to die. A mermaid comes and takes me home, where I eat the rest of the bananas in the subway.

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Q: How many atoms and elements are in a specific chemical formula?
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What is the chemical formula for the molecule?

A molecule contain two or more atoms of chemical elements; each molecule has a specific formula.

What is a symbol that shows the elements in a compound and the ratio of atoms?

You think probable to the chemical formula of a molecule.

How do you do an empirical formula?

An empirical formula is a chemical formula which contain only the chemical symbol of elements; no number of atoms or structure.

What does a chemical formula communicate?

A chemical formula shows the composition of a substance. It shows the elements present and their relative numbers. There are several types of formula which give specific types of information, but that's the basics.

The chemical formula of a compound does not indicate?

The chemical formula of a compound does not indicate the way that elements are joined in the compound. Chemical formulas tell you the identity of the elements in the compound and the relative proportions of the elements.

A notion that shows what elements a compound contains and the ratio of the atoms or ions of these elements in the compound?

A chemical formula shows what elements a compound contains, and the ratio of the atoms or ions of the elements in the compound.

What is a combination of symbols and numbers that describes a molecule?

A combination of chemical symbols that show what elements make up a compound and the number of atoms of each element in the smallest unit of the compound is a chemical formula.

What is chemical formula-?

a chemical formula is a force that holds atoms together in a compound.

How many H atoms are present in a chemical formula?

By looking at an actual chemical formula for a compound, we could tell you how many hydrogen atoms there are per molecule (or at least per formula unit) of that compound.Without the specific chemical formula, we can't. So the question is meaningless ... how many hydrogen atoms are present in a chemical formula depends on what the chemical formula is.

What are the Elements In Iron Nitride?

The chemical formula for this is Fe3N2. The elements making this compound are nitrogen and ferrous. It has 3 ferrous atoms and 2 nitrogen atoms.

What does a chemical compound formula tell you?

It tells what elements are present in a molecule and how many atoms of each element are present.

How many ELEMENTS are included in the chemical formula Ca(H2PO4)2?

I count four elements: calcium, hydrogen, phosphorus, and oxygen.