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A Muslim may have any colour.

Answer 2

Black Muslims may describe any black people who are Muslim (such as the numerous African Muslims in the Sahel region), but historically it has been specifically used to refer to African-American Black nationalist organizations that describe themselves as Muslim. Some of these groups are not considered to be Muslim within mainstream Islam.

It is worth noting, however, that Islamic doctrines argue that all Islam should be practiced the same way regardless of skin color.

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10y ago

No, not at all. Like Jews, Christians, and Buddhists (just to cite a few examples), Muslims come in all colors and they also come from many countries-- in fact, it is a myth that all Muslims are Arabs. There certainly are some black Muslims (both in the United States and in parts of Africa), but there are also Muslims who are white, Asian, and from other racial backgrounds.

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10y ago

Sure there are black Muslims in Africa, USA, and other parts of the world. Islam religion followers are spread all-over the world.

It is worth noting that In Islam there is no difference between white people black people, male and female. Islam believes in the chosen people of God being based on piety/humbleness and beliefs in oneness of Allah, Muhammad being the final messenger, The Quran being the final revealed book, the final day, destiny good and bad, life after death and resurrection. Islam is open to all races of humanity

Actually, there is a huge difference between main stream Muslims (Sunnis or Shiites) and the Nation of Islam (NOI) which is an African-American Organization that is quite different from mainstream Islam to the extent that members of this organization are not considered belonging to Muslims and/or Islam.

Nation of Islam Organization should not be confused with main stream Muslims who are believing in the true Islam per Quran revelation to prophet Muhammad (PBUH); through the angel Gabriel (Jibril); and witnessing that no God except one and only one God and that Muhammad is his prophet and messenger.

The main differences between Nation of Islam Organization and main stream Muslims are as follow:

  • NOI Muslims believe that Black people are superior to the Whites, and therefore do not accept whites into the Nation of Islam. The main stream Islam teaches us that all races are equal, and any person of any race can convert into Islam.
  • NOI Muslims believe that the founder of the Nation of Islam, Wallace Fard Muhammad, is Allah (God) on earth. This is against the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, who said that Allah is the Creator and is the one and only one God with no partner and no associate and could not be incarnated in a man or be seen.
  • The Nation of Islam organization believes that Elijah Muhammad, a leader of the NOI, was a prophet. The Qur'an tells us that Muhammad was the last prophet sent to mankind.
  • The NOI believes that Black scientists created the Qur'an. The real Muslims believe that Allah (or God in English and same God in Christianity and Judaism) created it and revealed it to prophet Muhammad through Angel Jibril (Gabriel).
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It does not matter how many black or white or yellow Muslims. Per Islam teachings, no preference among Muslims based on color, or race, or gender.

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7y ago

A Black Muslim is a member of an African-American religious movement with political overtones, either of the Nation of Islam or the American Muslim Mission.

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