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It depends on the size of box, but it runs around 70 to 130.

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Q: How many boxes of corn flakes from a bushel of corn?
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I'm trying to figure out how much the price of corn REALLY affects the cost of food. How many boxes of corn flakes can be made from a bushel of corn?

Try contacting Kellogg's. Most companies are more than happy to help with education and you may get some free product out of it too.

How much does cornflakes weigh?

I know a bushel of corn = 56lbs. However. that 56 lbs needs to be milled and what % of the original 56 lbs is used for a finisheds product I do not know. There are 12.9 ounces of milled corn in an 18 oz box of corn flakes, so there would be roughly 69 boxes (18 oz boxes) in a bushel of corn....incidentally that is also how many loaves of bread (1 lb loaves) in a bushel of wheat....

How many ears of sweet corn is in a bushel?

There are 150 ears of sweet corn in a bushel.

How many ears of corn per bushel?

The number of ears of corn in a bushel depends on the size of the ears of corn. On average, about 40 to 60 ears of corn are in a bushel.

How many Gallons of ethanol are produced per bushel of corn?

One bushel of corn yields about 2.8 gallons of ethanol.

How many pounds does a bushel of corn weigh?

If the corn meets minimum standards, one bushel weighs 56 pounds.

How many bushel in a barrel of corn?

0.28 kilogram

How many ton is in one corn bushel?

One bushel of corn is 56 pounds, so 56 pounds = 0.028 ton (US short ton).

How many ways can you spell corn flakes?


How many pounds of corn equal a gallon?

The typical weight of feed corn (#2 yellow dent corn) is 56 pounds per bushel. By volume, there is about 8 gallons in a bushel. Thus there is 7 pounds in a gallon of corn.

How many bushel of corn on 1 rail car?

How many bushel of corn are on a rail car will vary depending on the size of the rail car. There could be as few as 3,200 bushels, or as much as 3,500 bushels.

How many kilograms is a corn bushel?

One bushel of corn (maize) weighs 56 pounds, so 56 pounds = 25.40117272 kilograms.