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Certain Protists live in colonies which can appear to be a single organism, however they show no differentiation into tissues.

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Q: How many cells do organisms in the kingdom Protista have?
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How many cells does Protozo a have?

Protozoa, like all organisms in the kingdom Protista, are single-celled. Ray

How many cells are in Kingdom Protista?

7 cells

To what kingdom did the first eukaryotes most likely belong?

The first eukaryotes are most likely to belong to the Protista kingdom. These are mostly multicellular organisms with the earlier ones including organisms like Kneallhazia solenopsae and many more.

What is a kingdom in biology?

There are 5 kingdoms (kingdoms is the way of classifing organisms) 1. kingdom Monera (bateria and other single prokaryotic cells) 2. kingdom Protista (microscopic organisms made of 1 or more eukaryotic cells) 3.kingdom Fungi (fungi (of course) made of eukaryotic cells and eats deadorganisms) 4. Kingdom Plantae (all plants which are made of many eukaryotic cells) 5. kingdom Animalia (all animals and people many many eukaryotic cells we humans are made of about 100 trillion!) Being in Kingdom Animalia does NOT mean we are animals though we are just made of the same cells! Hope this helps!

What contains mostly unicellular organisms with nuclei?

There are in many kingdoms. But many of protists are like that

Tom discovered some unicellular organism's swimming in a sample of pond water. Some of the organisms had chloroplasts but many did not. All of the organisms had a nucleus. Into what kingdom would these organisms most likely be classified?

Kingdom Protista

How many kingdoms contain eukaryotic organisms?

Four. These are Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. This is in accordance with the Five-Kingdom system.

A kingdom made of simple eukaryotic organisms?

Unicellular (one-celled) eukaryotes belong to the Kingdoms Fungi and Protista. Fungal unicellular eukaryotes include yeasts. Many protozoa and algae are unicellular in the protist kingdom.

Which kingdom is many celled and contain chlorophyll?

In the five kingdom system, the three kingdoms that have organisms capable of photosynthesis are some bacteria (mainly cyanobacteria) in the Kingdom Monera, algae in the Kingdom Protista, and plants in the Kingdom Plantae.

How many cells does a protista have?


What is the Kingdom whose many celled organisms can not make their own food?

The Prokaryote kingdom is one of the kingdoms that contain only organisms that cannot produce their own foods. The other kingdoms with organisms that cannot produce food are the fungi kingdom, and the animal kingdom.

Is a prokaryote single-celled?

Yes prokaryotes are single-celled because they are unicelular