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At least 30 cows die every two hours.

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Q: How many cows die each day in the world?
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Related questions

How many cows are bred in the U.S.?

This is an impossible number to obtain, because cows get bred and calve out every day in the US. One day there may be 4 million cows that are bred, the next there may be only 200,000 that get bred. And each year that a statistics is taken of how many cows get bred in the US, each year it will be very different from the next.

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How many cows fly a day?

None. Cows don't fly.

What do the cows create Tuck Everlasting?

the cows create the dirt path that winnie walks along each day

How many bovines are in the world?

There is no way to tell exactly how many cows are killed worldwide each year. It is estimated that 35 million cows are slaughtered each year in the US alone. In Canada, it is estimated that 12 million cattle are slaughtered each year.

If a farmer has 30 cows and has enough money to feed them for 28 days how many cows does he have to get rid of to feed them for 35 days?

Assuming each cow consumes the same amount per day. The farmer has enough for: 30 cows*28 days = 840 cow days or 840 cows for 1 day Therefore he can feed 840 cow*days/35days = 24 cows for 35 days. 30 cows - 24 cows = 6 cows The farmer must get rid of 6 cows.

How often can a bull breed?

As often as possible and as often as there are cows that are needing his services. That said, a bull can breed as many as 2 to 10 cows (or more) per day, depending on how many cows are in heat on that day.

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millions if not billions

How many cows could a T-Rex eat in one day?

When T-Rex lived there were no cows, so the answer is none.

How many people watch television each day in the world?

12 million